Using an Angle Level

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For guys who have NOT purchased the LRA Extension Module and want to use a dial level, please follow this thread carefully.

Bend-Tech as a default (without the LRA module) uses incremental rotations between bends. In other words, after each bend is performed that current rotation angle becomes 0 degrees.

After the 2nd bend you will need to calculate the absolute (rotations from 1st bend position) rotations.

Here is an example:


There are several types of angle levels available and many of them use different angle call outs. We are going to cover the 2 most common:

1) Your angle level is numbered from 0 to 360

Here are your results from our example

bend 1) 0 = 0 (the first one is always 0 degrees)

bend 2) -85 = 275 (360 + -85 = 275)

bend 3) 0 = 275 (275+0 = 275)

bend 4) 85 = 0 (275+85 = 360 = 0)

2) Your angle level is numbered from 0 to 180 and 0 to -180

bend 1) 0 = 0 (the first one is always 0 degrees)

bend 2) -85 = -85 (0 + -85 = -85)

bend 3) 0 = -85 (-85 + 0 = -85)

bend 4) 85 = 0 (-85 + 85 = 0)