
From Bend-Tech 7x Wiki
Revision as of 11:07, 7 October 2015 by Fabcam1 (talk | contribs) (Bent Part)
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  • Our Bend-Tech Dragon CAM software works alongside with Bend-Tech Industrial and is meant to prep the part(s) or project before production using the Dragon machine.
  • The "Dragon Task Menu" consists of 4 options for creating a new part or nesting project. Bend-Tech Dragon will also allow transfers from Bend-Tech Industrial and other designers.

Dragon Task Menu(1).png

Bent Part

Dragon Bent Part(1).png
*Clicking on this option will allow the user to create a new "Custom Part" including bends. It has many of the same characteristics of our "Custom Part" designer, except with a few additions that users will need in order to add copes or mitered cuts on the ends of the tubing.

Dragon Bent Part(2).png

Die & Material

Straight (Without Cuts)

Dragon Straight No Cuts(1).png

Straight (With Cuts)

Dragon Straight Cuts(1).png

Quick Nest

Dragon Quick Nest(1).png